Tenders & Procurement


We don’t sell tender leads, we provide them free. Wherever you are around the globe, you have access to up-to-the minute information on tenders and procurement listings in Botswana. Click here for a comprehensive list of tenders in our classifieds section.

 While you are away on your travels (Domestic or International) we can purchase tender/procurement documents on behalf of you/r company and express courier them to wherever you are. Allowing you enough time to work on it and making sure you submit your bid, “on time”.

Its simple, and it’s what we do!Business… delivered to you

Click here for other services  also read our Tips on writing a tender proposal

In Botswana’s highly competitive marketplace, you need a well-written proposal if you are to stand any chance of winning a tender bid. To stand out from the crowd, your proposal has to do more than simply comply with the request for tender (RFT)/Notice of Tender (NoT). It also has to be compelling, enlightening, persuasive and, above all, resonate with the reader. Anything less and you’d be doing yourself a disservice.

Unfortunately, many proposals are thrown together in piece-meal fashion, with material cut and pasted from past bids or taken from other internal publications. Many are simply based on a ‘once-size-fits-all’ template. This is because many bidding firms simply do not have the time and resources to put together a customised and thoroughly thought out proposal. Tender responses are typically non-billable work and so are often rushed through at the last minute.

This is where we can help. Using tshono.com to write and edit your proposals means you can respond effectively to a tender without having to take your eyes of the main game, which is to do core work that drives your business forward. Simply email marketing@tshono.com and describe how we can assist you. In the meantime read our top tips on writing a tender proposal

 Posted by at 5:54 PM